19 Goals for 2019
Happy New Year, friends! It has been a while since I have sat down and written a blog post. I have been busy soaking up all of the family and friend time the past month. I cannot believe it is 2019 already. Unlike the past couple of months, JD and I don’t have much planned in January. I plan on taking full advantage of this extra time and will be indulging in some self-care and goal setting!
One of my favorite podcasts is The Happier Podcast with Gretchen Rubin, and her sister, Elizabeth Craft. Over the past couple episodes, they have been reflecting on 2018 and beginning to compile a list of 19 goals for 2019. Every year, I cringe at the thought of coming up with a resolution for the new year. I typically come up with some vague, unrealistic goal like “work out more” or “be more positive”. Gretchen and Liz suggest approaching the new year in a different way, make a list of attainable goals. Much like a to-do list, their goals are specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic. (Did any of my nurse friends just experience a living nightmare reminiscing on SMART goals?!) Well, my type-A, list obsessed self thoroughly enjoyed this approach to tackling a new year. So, I got to work compiling my own list of 19 goals for 2019.

19 Goals for 2019
- Find a fitness activity that I actually enjoy and stick to it.
- Travel to 3 locations that I have never been before.
- Read 19 books.
- Create a social media routine for the blog.
- Reach 10K followers on Instagram (insert shameless plug here)
- Pay off 1 student loan account.
- Reorganize and refresh my clothing basics (does anyone else completely ignore their bra/underwear/sock drawer?)
- Meet with a financial planner.
- Go on our honeymoon.
- Teach my dog, Bailey, better obedience.
- Learn how to use my Canon T6i camera, and then use it more.
- Landscape the front yard.
- Optimize our kitchen storage (we have so many wedding gifts without a home!)
- Have regular ‘unplugged’ dates with JD.
- Actually go to the Mackenzie Child’s Barn sale in July (I always say I want to and NEVER go).
- Put up more photos in our home.
- Take more short trips to visit friends out-of-state.
- Make our house a ‘home’ (or get a new one). We have lived in our current home for 2.5 years and it still doesn’t feel ‘right’.
- Come up with a filing system for all of our important documents.
What is on your list to accomplish in 2019? Did you make a 19 goals for 2019 list too? I would love to hear your ideas! I have a feeling I will be adding to this list throughout the year, and I hope this blog keeps me accountable! Now, time to get to work and enjoy this year!
xo, Kristen